
PHYSIODYN-Expert (3rd edition)

Professional electrotherapy and  diagnostics for hospitals, rehab and physiotherapy centres

Product description

Quite a few electrotherapy instruments today no longer emit stimulation currents in the form described in teaching manuals, and on which efficient electrotherapy is proven to be based. Instead of this – and in many cases due to cost savings – similar, but not identical, curve forms are used. Nobody knows exactly whether these cause the desired effects in tissue in the same way as the original currents. Instead of medium frequency currents, for example, low frequency ones are generated, and vice versa. In a direct comparison, the difference between ”genuine“ and ”similar“ currents can often be felt, but it only becomes visible when the current curves are viewed on an oscilloscope. Galvanic currents with spikes can be found, distorted instead of harmonic sinusoidal curves, or even deformed envelopes of diadynamic currents.
PHYSIOMED distances itself firmly from this trend of compromising therapeutic success only for the sake of maximising profits. PHYSIOMED instruments therefore only supply ‘clean’ currents. This also explains the often heard opinion of competent electrotherapy users, that despite using the same parameters, they obtain better therapeutic results with PHYSIOMED instruments than with other stimulation current instruments.


  • wo-channel electrotherapy including 21 currents
  • Alternating and simultaneous stimulation
  • Spasticity treatment acc. to Hufschmidt or Jantsch
  • Manual release key for emergency shut-off or intentional exercises (option)
  • Warning in case of intensity exceeding
  • Vacuum application with PHYSIOVAC-Expert (option)
Low frequency currents:
  • G (Galvanisation)
  • GMC (Galvanisation with microcurrent)
  • DF (Diadynamic current diphasé fixe)
  • MF (Diadynamic current monophasé fixe)
  • CP (Diadynamic current modulé en courtes périodes)
  • LP (Diadynamic current modulé en longues périodes)
  • UR (Ultra stimulation current acc. to Träbert)
  • HV (High voltage current)
  • TENS (Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation)
  • MENS (Electric nerve stimulation with microcurrent)
  • IG 30 (Pulse galvanization 30)
  • IG 50 (Pulse galvanization 50)
  • FM (Frequency-modulated current)
  • STOCH (Stochastic current)
  • FaS (Faradic surge current)
  • HVS (Current mode with high voltage stimulation characteristics)
  • T/R (Pulses with adjustable parameters)

Medium frequency currents:

  • IF (Classic interference current)
  • AMF (Bipolar interference current)
  • MT (Medium-frequency muscle stimulation)
  • KOTS (Russian stimulation)


  • Faradic excitability test
  • Medium-frequency test (Lange)
  • Accommodation quotient
  • Rheobase/chronaxy
  • I/T curve (with graphical visualization of the curve profile)
  • I/T curve – quick test

Folder Electrotherapy

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